Our Workout Videos Are Put Together By Specialists To Help You Get Active And Stay Injury-Free.
The Single Leg Squat Touch is a movement that can help improve balance. This is a lower-body movement that can help improve balance, proprioception (or spatial awareness) and glute muscle strength. Bauerfeind’s Sports Achilles Ankle Support provides support and compression for better performance during workouts.
- Start by lifting your right foot off the floor behind you and soften your left knee.
- Inhale and squat down as far as possible, reaching left hand toward the floor. When you've squatted as far as you can comfortably, then bend from the hips to touch the ground with the left hand.
- Exhale and squeeze glutes, and keep back straight, rise up and straighten leg to complete one rep.
- Complete all reps and switch sides.
Tip: When reaching toward the floor, concentrate on bending the knee into a lunge rather than bending over from the waist/hips.
Primary muscles: Quads and Glutes
Secondary muscles: Hamstrings and Core
About Olympic Gold Medalist Thomas Roehler:

Thomas Roehler is a professional track and field athlete competing in javelin throw. He is a 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist with a personal best of 93.90 m. With a passion about fitness Thomas is showing us some of his favorite exercises to start the year with healthy habits and achieve your goals whether you are just getting started or have been working out for a long time.
This information is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice, evaluation or care from a qualified and licensed health care provider. The information contained here is not to be considered a plan of care of physical therapy.